The Flexible Solution for the Evaluation of People, Products and Processes.
Valuatic offers all of the most important features of EOSCE and many more!
Powerful checklists
Checklists, now called forms, have been entirely reworked. It is possible to freely arrange sections, questions, descriptive texts and page breaks. Compared to EOSCE, which only supported the single select question type, you can now create free text, multi and single select questions and make them mandatory or optional. Additionally, the value of an answer can change the visibility or optionality of another answer element within the same question (for example: show a free text if a very specific option is selected).
More flexibility
Contrary to EOSCE, Valuatic is not limited to a very strict exam type. With time, it turned out the OSCE scheduler was not as valuable as expected and even became rather difficult to work with, especially when last minutes changes were needed. This is why Valuatic does not enforce any schedule at all. The order of candidates does not play any role. An assessment is created by scanning QR codes, this defines which candidate is assessed by which examiner using which form. There is no more possibility for an examiner to assess the wrong candidate. This gives you the possibility to run a wide range of exam types!
One-Click Distribution
We have also completely rethought how an exam is distributed to devices. With EOSCE, adding an exam on every tablet is quite a hassle. In Valuatic, you can send (or remove) an exam to every tablet with a single click. The only action required on the tablet is to open the app so that it can fetch the exam from the server. And of course, it is still possible to run an exam without the need of a server!
Server Support
Keeping data in-house while running an online exam has been simplified thanks to the support of Webdav in addition to Amazon S3.
Detailed Observation
The observation in Valuatic Studio gives you a more detailed insight on the running exam—such as which candidate is currently being assessed and with which form; how many points each candidate achieved; etc.
Customizable PDF
Valuatic gives you the possibility to customize the header and footer of any generated PDF as well as adding your logo.
Windows App
Valuatic Studio, the equivalent of OSCE-Editor, runs on Windows exclusively. Valuatic Touch, the equivalent of OSCE-Eval, still runs on iPadOS.
Valuatic itself does not provide any analytics tools but it does export results to CSV, which you can then import in your favourite statistical analysis tool.
Export any checklist created in EOSCE and simply import it into Valuatic. Candidates and participants can be be imported by a CSV file.
The OSCE Schedule is where Valuatic diverges from EOSCE. We learned from our customers that schedules are created in a spreadsheet and then manually set up in EOSCE. Although this had little impact on examiners, it’s a time-intensive and error-prone step that has limited value for users.
Now, in Valuatic, the examiner can either manually select a candidate or, to avoid mistakes, scan a QR code provided to each student. You can even scan the barcode of a student card if it contains the student’s ID.
Last minute unexpected events can be handled trouble-free, even on the day of the exam!
EOSCE will be maintained for the next few years in order to support any macOS and iOS updates.
However, EOSCE will not receive any new features, so we encourage you to try Valuatic to benefit from all of the new features.
You can download Valuatic Studio for free on valuatic.com!
Yes, you can. Valuatic is able to import any EOSCE checklist.
Powerful checklists
Checklists are much powerful: they support multiple levels of sections, single and multi select questions, and even allow questions to be optional.
More flexibility
Valuatic is not limited by the strict OSCE schedule, allowing you to run a wide range of exam types.
One-Click Distribution
Online distribution of an exam to iPads is easier than ever: one click is all it takes! And removing an exam is just as easy.
Windows App
Valuatic Studio, the equivalent to OSCE-Editor, runs on Windows exclusively. Valuatic Touch, similarly to OSCE-Eval, still runs on iPadOS.
Similar to EOSCE, you can run exams either offline or online. If you choose to run an online exam, you have the choice between Webdav or Amazon S3. Webdav is the easiest solution to keep your data in-house; any NAS can be setup to be a Webdav server in just a few minutes.