
In order to assess your checklist files with OSCE-Eval you must first download the checklist files from an exam server to your iPad. For this, your iPad will need to be connected to the Internet and OSCE-Eval needs the correct credentials to access your server (see “How to configure OSCE-Eval to connect to the exam server” for more details).

How to download checklists from an exam server using OSCE-Eval

  1. Open the OSCE-Eval app
  2. Drag down and hold until “Settings”-Button appears. Then (still holding the button in place) tap and hold the button until it turns first red and then green.

  3. Scan the QR Code containing your credentials from the OSCE-Editor app. After configuration has finished, tap the “Advanced” Button and then choose “Manual Configuration”

  4. All exams available to you are listed. Tap the “Download” button to download them, or swipe over the file name to make the “Delete” button appear.

How to configure OSCE-Eval to connect to the exam server

The current version of OSCE-Eval supports using Amazon’s web services (AWS) as an exam server. Specifically OSCE-Eval will access a “bucket” on Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) to try and back up or download your exam files. You therefore need to enter your valid Amazon credentials as well as the S3 bucket name into OSCE-Eval so that a connection may be established.

  1. Open the OSCE-Eval app.
  2. Drag down and hold until “Settings”-Button appears. Then (still holding the button in place) tap and hold the button until it turns first red and then green.
  3. Scan your QR Code containing the credentials and bucket name using the camera on the back of your iPad. A  checkmark indicates whether the QR Code was scanned successfully. Hint: it helps to hold the device at a distance of approximately 10 cm for the best results.
  4. Tap the button labelled “Done” on the top right of the screen to return to the exam overview screen.